Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (EIA/ESIA)
AECL, a pioneering organization, Constructs Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for different sectors in Bangladesh. Since the last 20+ years AECL has prepared more than 100 EIA and ESIA reports
Industrial Wastewater Treatment (ETP)
AECL successfully introduced local technology based Wastewater Treatment plant in Bangladesh in 1997. This technology is very cost effective in terms of chemical consumption, energy efficiency and space.
Environmental Monitoring
AECL’s environmental laboratory is well equipped to analyze all types of water, air and noise quality parameters. AECL provides monthly/quarterly environmental monitoring.
Environmental Noise & Emission Dispersion Modeling
Using U.S. EPA approved AERMOD model our organization has in house capacity to undertake environmental noise, noise simulation and emission dispersion modelling.
Environmental Awareness & Education
AECL offers different short Training Courses round the year. The training courses are conducted by our regular experts/engineers as well as expatriates from different Organizations and Universities in the globe.
Energy Efficiency, EMS & ISO 14001, Energy & Environment Audit
Adroit Environment Consultants Ltd. has in house capacity to undertake environment and energy audit for developing Environmental Management System for any project and help them in achieving ISO 14001.
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About Us
We pioneered as ADROIT ENGINEERS in 1997 and entered the field of consultancy with skills such as sound knowledge, experienced team effort and an open mind to innovate new ideas and modern concepts. Later, the company registered in Joint Stock Company as “Adroit Environment Consultants Ltd.” (AECL).Our personnel are well trained in integrating the latest environmental technology.

We have 21+ Years of Experience in Environmental Consultancy.
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Helping to Build your Dream
AECL conducted hundreds of Initial Environment Examination, Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Management Plan, Resettlement Plan, etc., in various forms for the Power Sector, Textile (Dyeing, Printing and Weaving), Pharmaceutical, Oil, Gas & Energy, Fertilizer, Cement, Pulp & Paper, Iron & Steel, Ceramic, Infrastructure, Food Industry, Tannery & Leather, Chemical Industries, etc.